
The easiest way to make money

make money online

Do you want to make money online? How fun! I have the same goal and the plan is that the income from the network will enable me to stop working completely at my regular job.

So, how do you make money online? The easiest way to make money online is by offering something that is in demand. It can e.g. be to create a website that answers visitors' questions or helps them in their purchasing decisions.

You can also make money online by investing in stocks, working as a content writer or doing panel research.

Making money online has never been easier and you do not need to be technically savvy or educated. I myself have made money on several different things online and the goal is to take it to another level in the coming year.

There are several different ways to get income online so read through these tips so you may find something that suits you. I will start with those that I myself have experience of, but also include tips that others have succeeded well with.

The internet income that has given me the most money is definitely through one of my blogs. I started the blog as a hobby project on Blogger (Blogspot) but after a while the visitor traffic started to increase.

I then posted some advertising on the blog and there my eyes were opened to the fact that it is actually possible to make money online on something that is already a hobby. The only thing I regret today is that I did not open a real WordPress page with my own domain at once.

There are more reasons to use WordPress and your own domain. Simply put, it can be said that it is easier to be seen on Google. get more traffic and thus make more money.

So my advice is that if you want to start a website or a blog, you should get your own domain and use WordPress. It is very easy to start your own website today compared to a few years ago.

All you have to do is register a domain name, choose a finished WordPress theme and start writing content. You have a page ready and that works in an hour even without prior knowledge.

Start your own website and start making money with it

I myself use One.com for all my websites and that is simply because they are awesome beginner friendly. They have a simple click-and-install menu where you start your page in a few hours.

If something still goes wrong, they have a free round-the-clock support. What is even better is that you can start as many websites as you want without costing anything extra.

Once you have registered a domain name and opened an account with One.com, you can read my complete post on how to make money on your website or blog .

Benefits of making money from blogging

  • There is no limit to how much money you can make
  • No previous knowledge or training is required
  • It's cheap and easy to get started
  • You can work from any place you want
  • Over time, income will become passive, ie. you make money while you sleep

Disadvantages of own website or blog

  • It takes time before you make money
  • It takes some work for it to be good

Start your website today

There is a special reason why it might be a good idea to start your website today. They are because it takes time for Google to rank your website or blog. After all, we make our money on those who visit the blog and they come from Google.

Therefore, it may be a good idea to set up a website with content as soon as possible so that you start appearing on Google. It usually takes 2-3 months so do not wait too long.

make money online

This tip is a bonus tip that I actually think everyone should use. Making money on stocks takes time but it gives really good returns in the long run.

I use Avanza to invest in stocks and it is without a doubt the most popular bank to buy stocks and mutual funds. On average, the stock market rises around 8-9% per year and with that return, your invested money doubles every 7-8 years.

The best thing about making money online through stocks is that you do not need any knowledge if you only invest in indices. By starting an automatic monthly savings, you can easily invest in the stock market without making a lot of beginner mistakes.

Even if you can not afford or want to start with shares, I recommend investing at least a hundred bucks because it is completely free. As I said, you will not get rich tomorrow, but in a few years' time, stocks will be one of the best ways to make money online.

Benefits of making money on stocks

  • You earn passive income right from the start (Get money when you sleep)
  • The upside is unlimited. you can make very big money
  • It's easy and quick to get started
  • The tax is extremely low (just over 1% compared to 30% as an employee)

Disadvantages of shares

  • There is a risk of losing money (short term)
  • It takes time to build a large capital
  • You need a lot of money to make a lot of money

make money online stocks

3. Cashback online - Get a bonus on every purchase you make

Making money on cashback is not something that makes you rich but a big advantage is that you can start making money today. All you have to do is create a free account and you will have the opportunity to get a bonus on the purchases you make online.

What is even better is that you can recruit friends and thus get even more bonuses without buying anything. In addition to you getting a bonus for every friend you recruit, your friend also gets a bonus, a win-win!

I think the best cashback site is Refunder and then MyBonus. By using these links when you open an account, you get SEK 50 free on each page. It is completely free to open and have an account and you can cancel it whenever you want.

  • Refund - Get DKK 50 in start bonus
  • MyBonus - Get SEK 50 in Start Bonus

I myself earned over SEK 10,000 last year just through Refunder and MyBonus so I know that it is a good way that works to make money online. By registering through my links, you earn SEK 100 right from the start.

Benefits of making money on cashback

  • Easy to get started, earn SEK 100 instantly
  • You get a bonus on purchases you make that you would have made anyway
  • You can give away money while earning it yourself

Disadvantages of cashback

  • It never becomes completely passive
  • The upside is limited and more of a "side income"

make money online

4. Panel surveys and paid surveys

Panels or panel surveys are an additional tip that you can easily withdraw some money from the web on. This is also not something that will make you rich, it is easy to get started and you can easily earn around SEK 500 a month.

I recommend that you start with cashback because you will withdraw more and easier money on it. If you then want to supplement, you can start with panel surveys.

There are actually 5 panels that I recommend to start with because they work best in my own experience. These panels also pay cash directly to your PayPal account.

  • Triaba
  • SF Panels
  • Perfect Day Panelen
  • Nordic Panel
  • Blocket Panels

Make Money as a Contentwriter

As a content writer, you can make money without being tied to a particular place or any working hours. I have not tested the contentwriter profession myself, but I know several who have managed to raise quite ok money on it.

In short, the job means that you write texts for others. It can be any text, such as product descriptions, blog texts, content for websites, etc.

To make good money writing texts, it is required either that you are fast or know-how in an expert area, otherwise you can count on working quite hard to earn larger sums.

The advantage is that you can work from the computer

The absolute biggest advantage of working as a content writer is that you can do it completely remotely, ie from the computer. All that is required is that you have functioning internet and electricity.

This is a big reason why it is a common job among digital nomads and people on the move. It is a job that can be combined quite well with travel because it is not space-bound.

Websites where you can find jobs as a content writer include:

  • Upwork
  • Fiverr
  • TopContent

Benefits of working as a content writer

  • Gives money right away
  • You can be basically anywhere
  • There are plenty of jobs if you are good
  • If you are knowledgeable in a special area with higher competence, you can earn better

Disadvantages of being a contentwriter

  • Quite a lot of competition for the simpler jobs
  • Pretty poorly paid per hour for the simpler jobs
  • no passive income, active work is required

6. Lend your money and get high interest rates

By lending your money, you can get really good interest back. This is a great complement to making extra money online. Unlike shares, you get a really high and fixed interest rate on your money via companies such as Lendify and Brocc .

Lendify is a large bank that is popular with savers and financial bloggers as a complement to the usual equity investments. The interest rate they offer is usually around 5-7%. The money is not covered by the deposit guarantee but is spread among many borrowers, which reduces the risk.

That it is also enough to invest as little as SEK 500 means that you can open an account and only invest a small amount as a risk spread of your total finances.

Brocc is another popular bank where you can lend your money. They have largely similar terms as Lendify, but here you can lend as little as SEK 250.

Get interest with a deposit guarantee on your money

If you do not want to take any risk with your money, there are alternative fixed income investments. If you open an account with Avanza, for example, you get access to a large number of banks with interest and a deposit guarantee. Read more here .

Benefits of making money on interest

  • Gives money right away
  • Greater security than shares
  • Easy to get started

Disadvantages of interest savings

  • Provides poorer returns than equities and mutual funds
  • Higher tax than shares and mutual funds

7. Make money on Instagram

On Instagram, there are huge opportunities to make money and it is completely free. What it takes to make money on Instagram is that you have gained a lot of followers and that the followers you have belong to a good target group for advertising.

Actually, the way to make money on Instagram works a bit like for a blog but you have fewer options and opportunities. The two most common ways to get revenue from Instagram are:

  1. Paid collaborations
  2. Affiliatelänkar

Advertise in Instagram stories or posts

By posting good pictures, posts or stories, you can get advertising collaborations that you market on Instagram. They usually pay per post and / or as a permanent collaboration.

You can get anything from a few hundred bucks to thousands of kronor per post. If you are big on Instagram, you can even get tens of thousands of kronor for a post or advertisement in stories.

Use affiliate links on Instagram

A common way to make money on Instagram is by having an affiliate link in your profile. If someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase from the person you are linking to, you will receive a commission.

8. Make money on Youtube

Making money on Youtube is getting bigger and more and more searches are happening via Youtube. If you want to make money through Youtube, you can do so through advertising that is shown before and during your videos directly in Youtube.

In order to have commercials displayed on your videos, you must meet the requirements of the YouTube Partnership Agreement. that means you must have at least 1000 followers and 4000 hours of videos viewed in a year. Your videos must also meet the requirements and not contain inappropriate content.

Other ways to earn income through Youtube

In addition to the advertising that appears in your videos, you can make money on affiliate links in the description below your videos. You can also link to your own website or blog where you have affiliate products or your own products that you sell.

So it can be a good idea to register a domain and make a website linked to your Youtube channel so that you have several ways to get income both to increase profitability and security.

Get passive income online

There are two different types of income online and there are passive income and active income. There's a pretty big difference between these two. The biggest difference is that passive income does not require any active work after they have started to roll on, while active income requires you to work regularly

Passive income online

The passive income is definitely the one that attracts me the most to work online. My goal is to start up several sources of income that in the future draw in money no matter what I do during the day.

Among the passive income, we find websites and shares . A website will require a pretty hard job in the beginning, but if you do it the right way, in the future it will fall in money passively without you having to work for them.

Shares are even more passive because it does not even require any work to get that money machine and passive income going. That is the big reason why my priority is to build websites and invest in shares.

Make money in your spare time

Even if you do not have the time or drive required to make your online income a full-time job, you can always let it be a side income. Maybe you can start a blog about something you are already interested in that can give an extra thousand bucks or two each month?

Maybe you already have a blog today that you can make money on without knowing it? In general, it is much easier to start a website about something you are interested in because you will still know or find out everything you write about. It will therefore not be so much extra work to make a blog out of it.

The hobby can be an extra income

Imagine that you have just bought a terraced house and will fix it for your garden in the coming year. There you have a perfect opportunity to write about all the things you do, tips on how to do them, how to avoid mistakes and recommend the best products.

By doing so, you have created a website that will probably help many when it comes to fixing their own garden. You then have a perfect opportunity to create an online income that can either provide a full-time income or an extra income.

Let blogging be the start of your online income

I actually think that quite the steam that today lives on online businesses started by blogging. My journey started there too and now I will take it to the next step.

Starting a blog is so cheap and easy so it's just as good to give it a try. Everyone has some knowledge to tell others about so there are plenty of opportunities online. The reason why more people do not succeed is actually due to two reasons .

  1. They never start
  2. They give up too fast

Never starting is a sure way to never succeed. If you want to be able to make money remotely, you must dare to take the chance. The ridiculous thing is that we actually have hardly anything to lose on it.

It costs around SEK 500 to start a website , which is actually not that much money. Considering how much it can give back, it feels pretty stupid not to even try it and give it a try.

To open a share account and start saving money in stocks is completely free making it a no-brainer given the upside. It can give us enormous financial freedom and money without working for them.

Make money online for free

Many people who start to get interested in online income are quite afraid to spend some money and there is nothing wrong with that, I was the same. In fact, no large sums are required to get started and you should not burn a lot of money to get started.

You can even get started for free. If you want to start a blog, you can start one for free on Blogger (Blogspot) and make money even if I myself would put the small amount required to get a real WordPress blog.

You can also make money on Instagram which is free or start a Youtube channel. So there are many different ways to make money online. Over time, however, you will learn, just as I did, that it may be worth spending some money on certain things.

See yourself as a brand on the internet

One thing that may be worth thinking about is if you e.g. creates an instagram account named "FlowerSuperDuperPower". After a while, the account may become large and you want to start a website or blog linked to the account.

If you have not been foresighted, the domain name "flowersuperduperpower.com" or "flowersuperduperpower.se" may be busy. It can feel really sad then to have to take another domain name, especially considering that domain name only costs a little over a hundred bucks a year.

So if you are planning to spend some time on your internet project, it can be good to both register names on Instagram, Twitter, but also a domain name because it is quite difficult to get what you want if someone else has time before.

Register your domain name today before anyone else has time and secure it for the future.

The biggest benefits of working from home

Ok, we have gone through the best ways to make money online but why should one really work online? My simple answer is freedom! Not being tied to either place or time gives you unlimited opportunities to:

  • Trip
  • Spend time with friends and family
  • Exercise leisure activities
  • Have opportunities to learn new things
  • Start new projects
  • Take a nap when you want
  • Take a vacation whenever you want
  • Travel cheaper in low season

So there are more benefits to working online than there is room to write in this blog post. No matter how we twist and turn it, freedom will increase enormously by not having a regular job.

Work online abroad

Among Swedes, it is very popular to work online if you live or travel abroad. This is of course due to the fact that a job performed over the internet gives the freedom to choose it.

Another reason why it is often good is from an economic point of view. If you work from a cheap country with the income from Sweden, you simply get more for your money. You can thus take advantage of living in a cheaper country but with a better salary.

Frequently Asked Questions About Making Money Online

Do you have to estimate income from the network?

Yes, all money you earn should be valued. You can either include it as a hobby income in form T2 on the tax return or start your own business. In the beginning, however, you do not have to worry so much about this, but do it when you start making money. You do well to take it as a hobby income in the beginning. When it comes to shares , everything is managed automatically so you do not have to worry at all.

Is it still possible to make money blogging?

Yes, it is possible to make good money from blogging. I personally know several people who earn 100,000s and t.om. million every year on running blogs with advertising and affiliate links on.

How much time does it take to make money online?

How much time is required is individual and on what you make money. If you e.g. runs a website, it depends on how many visitors you have, in what niche you are and how efficiently you work. If you work on a good website, you can earn thousands every month just by maintaining it for a few hours every month, but it takes hard work before you get there.

Do you need a business to make money on the internet?

No you do not have to. In the beginning, before you have any income, you do not need to report anything, so then you just have to drive. Then when you only earn up to SEK 40,000 (or if it becomes a permanent income) per year, you can declare it as hobby income on form T2.

What do I do if I earn more than SEK 40,000 per year?

If you are going to start earning more than that, you need to get an FA tax or start your own business. The easiest way to find out what applies if you are unsure is to call the tax office and ask.

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